Language: LV/EN/RU
Through this project the “The Roma Cultural Centre” is planning to implement the program, which is aimed at raising public awareness on human rights, intercultural dialogue, social biased attitudes and discrimination, especially youth in the Roma culture and heritage awareness and promotion. The project will provide an opportunity for different social groups (especially young people of different nationalities) to receive information on Roma history, culture and traditions, as well as to engage in active discussions about human rights and discrimination prevention, equality, looking at the situation of Roma in Latvia. The project provides two basic activities - one is focused on young people and on human rights and intercultural dialogue threads, while the other is aimed at the general public, educating the Roma Holocaust of World War II, raising the question in Latvian context.
1. Youth Forum “Meet Roma in Latvia – Destroy the Stereotypes” A discussion cycle to get to know the culture of Roma, to promote co-operation and development, with the participation of both Roma youths and youths of other nationalities (in co-operation with the Baltic International Academy and 5 schools: Latvian; Lithuanian; Ukrainian, Belarusian and Polish schools; a total of 20 people from each school; pupils of Forms 9–10 and students).
1.1. Issues concerning
the attitude towards Roma in the society, especially the social phenomenon of
romaphobia and its manifestations, will be examined during the youth
discussion: the subject of the discussion is “Are you a neighbour of mine?”. An
educational trip, titled 'The history and destiny of Roma in Latvia', as well
as a presentation and exposition of artworks by Karlis Rudevics from the Roma
Museum are planned as part of this forum. Documentary film Gypsy Etudes is
planned to be shown during the discussion.
1.2. A youth essay competition “What have I learned about Roma in Latvia?”will be held after the educational trip and the discussion; youths will get an opportunity to write down what they have learned and about their experience in the form of an essay and to compete in an essay contest. The results of the competition will be summarised, analysed, and presented; the authors of the best essays will receive promotional presents (books about the history of Roma and an art album of a Roma artist), and the essays will be collected in a single piece of writing and published on the homepage. Activities will take place at the Museum of History and Art of Gypsies situated at Pudika iela 6 in Riga, Latvia.
2. “Mudaripe (the Roma Holocaust): Remember, Honour, and Commemorate” - a cycle of practical educational discussions about the Roma Holocaust in the territory of Latvia and in Europe. During this activity, the destinies of not only those Roma whose lives made part of the Roma Holocaust and contributed to the information material about the destiny of Roma in Latvia during World War II, will be studied. It is planned to update on the issue of those heroes in the Latvian society who saved Roma from extermination during World War II. For example, it is planned to organise a public thanksgiving event in gratitude to these people or their families for their active part in preventing the Roma Holocaust from happening. A forum of public experts on the problems of the Roma Holocaust will be held on 2 August. A scientific conference on the events of the Roma Holocaust in the territory of Latvia and in Europe and their consequences will be organised.
Projekta identifikācijas nr.: EEZ/DAP/MIC/107/4/R/015
Projekta īstenošanas periods: 01/08/2013-31/12/2015 |